Kongamano La Uongozi Bora (KOLABO), an initiative of the Youth Bridge Kenya, is a national movement of young leaders from diverse sectors of human interest converged together in pursuit of practical and realistic solutions to the challenges affecting the young people in Kenya for better leadership. It provides a national platform to engage, connect, and empower the young generation of leaders through mobilization and discussion of issues of governance and leadership that will ultimately form the roadmap towards addressing the key challenges facing the young people.
From the outset, KOLABO acknowledges the successes and challenges of the past, take cognizant of the present opportunities and honouring those who heroically struggled to bring freedom and justice to our land in the first and second liberation by recognizing and remaining committed to the protection and furtherance of the aspirations of all Kenyans for a government based on the essential values of human rights, shared prosperity, equality, freedom, democracy, social justice and the rule of law as a foundation of our shared future.
KOLABO intends to engage, connect, and empower the young people by enriching their perspectives on the five pillars; Education, Employment, Health, Representation and take a centre role in the fight against corruption.
Partnering with the Fredrich Ebert Stiftung Kenya, KOLABO was officially launched at the Hilton Hotel Nairobi on 24th November, 2021. Fastforward, KOLABO convened sessions that were attended by target heads in the youth sector that included the Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists Dentists Union (KMPDU), Kenya University Students Organization (KUSO), Young Entrepreneurs Association of Kenya (YEAK), Political Parties Youth Leadership and representatives of Political Parties Liaison Committee. These sessions initiated the drafting and later launch of The Kenya Youth Manifesto 2022 in partnership with the International Republican Institute and The Youth Caffe.